Apple Blobs

I have to keep reminding myself that it’s the process that is important when you do projects with children.  We set out to make pretty apple prints with little stars in the middle from the seed pockets and ended up with apple blobs.  Once again though, my two-year-old and her four-year-old friend had a wonderful time. This project is a little messy, but takes seconds to set up and will keep them smiling and busy! 

You can incorporate a little science into it too by having them find the stem and the seeds and draw what the apples look like when they’re cut in half.  It’s a great illustration to have them add to their science notebooks! 

Materials: Apples , washable tempura paint, paper, (toothpicks)

Cut the apples in half.  It is fun to cut one apple lengthwise so both sides look exactly the same.  You can teach your child the word symmetrical!   Cut another one in half between the stem and the bottom of the apple so you can see the star pattern formed by the seeds.

Then, pour a little paint into a dish or bowl.  If you put too much paint in, you’ll get blobs like we did.  I think that if you put in just enough to cover the dish the print will be more clear!  Have your child dip the apple in the paint and then press it onto some paper.  I put toothpicks in the apples to make them easier to pick up without getting covered in paint. 

Have fun!  Try not to be a control freak!  Let them smear the paint together to see what colors they can make! 

Later this week, I’m going to post some science projects to do using apples.

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